Thursday, February 17, 2011


Yay!  My new shoes came today.  I lurve me some new shoes!  I pulled them out of the box and was pleasantly surprised by the color combo.  Online they looked like grape and white but in reality they are more raspberry.  When I put them on though they felt a little wide and I thought I mistakenly ordered the shoe in wide.  I called Adidas to make sure I hadn't made an error and got a great sales rep.  She took the time to look up my order and the shoe and told me that the shoe isn't available in wide.  She told me to try the shoe out and if it isn't working for me that I can return it even though I've worn it.  Thank you Adidas!  I cinched the shoes down and did a 1 mile trial run on the treadmill and I have to say I'm liking the fit.  The only problem is the scar and I was having that problem with my old shoes and every other pair of shoes that I own that tie.  I'm looking forward to trying them out on the road this weekend.

In other randomness I've been looking at races for the year and trying to put together some sort of a schedule that I can be successful with. I've decided to run a couple of 5K's and a 10K this spring and maybe, just maybe, a half in May.  My goal is to set new PR's for both the 5K and 10K.  Bill put the bug of the San Francisco half in my ear a month or so ago and it's sounding pretty good too.  I've never run that course and it's time to see some new sights.  In the fall I'm planning on Urban Cow and am hoping I will be fit enough to PR on that course yet again.  CIM is playing around in my brain too but I'm not ready to commit to a full this early in the year.

Thursday, February 17, 2011
Today's goal:  Run rest day/XT
Workout: 20 minute "hill" workout on treadmill. Max incline 6.0, max speed 15 min/mile.  1 mile run @ 11:30/mile to try out shoes.
Weather: Rain and wind

Blast from the past, Saturday February 17, 2001
Today's goal:  95-100 minutes with the team
Workout:  10 miles, 1:34:53 easy run
Weather:  Cloudy
Best run!  Could have gone farther.  No aches or pains.  Felt good.
Notes from the week:  Took it easy, rested left ankle, foot and shin.  Feeling good.  The marathon is not sounding so scary.
Distance for the week:  16 miles
Time for the week:  2:42:07
Distance to date:  113.5
Mileage on shoes: 126.9
Thought for the week (pre-printed in my journal):  This chance will only stand before you once. -Sandra Day O'Connor, U.S. Supreme Court Justice

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