Sunday, February 27, 2011


Sunday, February 27, 2011 Today's goal:  Run rest day/XT (planned to make up yesterday's missed run)
Workout:  4.75 mile walk with C and the dogs.  Feel worse than I did yesterday and my voice is nearly gone.  Coughed most of the night so I decided not to push it and let the run go for the weekend.
Weather:  Cold and sunny

Blast from the past, Tuesday, February 27, 2001
Today's goal:  80 minutes
Workout:  4 miles, 44 minutes, easy run
Felt tired, didn't push too hard.  Babysitter had to leave so I ran short.  I may try to make it up tomorrow or Thursday.
Weather:  Sunny, cool

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Thursday, Friday and Saturday

Thursday, February 24, 2011
Today's goal:  Run rest day/XT
Workout: None
CPR class in the evening.  Wiped out when I got home.

Blast from the past, Saturday, February 24, 2001
Today's goal:  105-115 minutes with the Team
Workout:  11.5 miles
Time:  2:06
Weather:  Awful
I hate the wind!  Most miserable run ever.  Felt completely beat up.  Cant' wait to go to San Diego and run in good weather!
*To this day I remember this run.  It was the furtherst I had ever run and the wind pushed the rain sideways the entire run.  When we finished we were soaked to the bone and half frozen.  I remember sitting in the car in the parking lot trying to peel off my wet clothes but my hands were so stiff I could barely get changed.  I've only had one run more miserable in all my years of running, Surf City Marathon 2008.  More on that later!

Notes from the week:  Horrible weather all week.  Couldn't drag myself out. 
Distance for the week:  11.5
Time for the week:  Distance to date:  125 miles
End of week weight:  109 lbs

Thought for the week:  ...Any day I am too busy to run is a day I am too busy.   
-John Bryant (Deputy Editor, London Times)

Friday, February 25, 2011
Today's goal:  Run rest day/XT
Workout:  None.  Sick AGAIN! 
Weather:  Crazy!

Blast from the past, Sunday, February 25, 2001
Today's goal:  No workout
Workout:  None

Saturday, February 26, 2011
Today's goal:  "Long" run, 4 miles
Workout:  Decided to postpone run to tomorrow.  I have a very sore throat and am losing my voice.  Boo.  Guess that's what I get for working with teenagers!  Took a beautiful 5 mile walk with C and the dogs in place of run.

Blast from the past, Monday, February 26, 2001
Today's goal:  No training

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Tuesday & Wednesday

Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Today's goal: Run rest day/XT
Workout: 3.75 mile with C, #2 and dogs
Weather:  Cool & clear

Blast from the past, Thursday, February 22, 2001
Today's goal:  55minutes
Workout: WINDY & RAINING!  Sore throat, wimped again.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Today's goal:  Easy run, 3 miles
Workout:  3 miles on dready @ 11:30/per mile.  Walk planned with C tonight
Weather:  Sunny, cool
I'm not sure why I decided not to run outside.  The weather is beautiful.  Rain is in the forecast for next 3 days.  Guess I blew it!

Blast from the past, Friday February 23, 2001
Today's goal:  No training
Workout: None

Monday, February 21, 2011

Sunday & Monday

Sunday, February 20, 2011
Today's goal: Run rest day/XT
Workout:  Beautiful 5 mile walk with C and the dogs
Weather:  Cold and sunny

Blast from the past, February 20, 2011
Today's goal:  70 minutes
Workout:  RAINING!  Wimped again.

Monday, February 21, 2011
Today's goal:  Easy 3 miles
Workout:  3 miles @ 11:30/mile on treadmill
Weather:  Partly sunny

Blast from the past, February 21, 2001
Today's goal:  No workout

I have not read ahead in my 10 year old journal so I'm not sure if I get better about skipping workouts or not.   I seem to remember running a whole lot more and I'm amazed that I ever made it through the marathon.  To this point I seem to have skipped more days than I have run, that's embarrassing to say the least.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Friday & Saturday

Friday, February 18, 2011
Today's goal: Run rest day/XT
Workout:  None
Weather:  Crappy

Blast from the past Sunday, February 18, 2001
Today's goal:  No workout

Saturday, February 19, 2011
Today's goal: Long run, 5 miles
Workout:  4 mile run @ 11:30 min/mile, 5 mile walk @16 min/mile
Weather: Cold and windy at 6:45 AM
Did not feel like going out to run but I did.  New shoes are not working out.  Could feel a blister starting on the arch of my foot so I cut run a mile short.  Super disappointed about the blister situation.  Went to Fleet Feet this afternoon and got refitted for shoes.  Now running in Brooks even though I've always loved Adidas.

Blast from the past, Monday, February 19, 2001
Today's goal:  45 minutes
Workout:  None
Weather:  Rain
RAINING!! Wimped out but I'll run tomorrow even if it rains.

Thursday, February 17, 2011


Yay!  My new shoes came today.  I lurve me some new shoes!  I pulled them out of the box and was pleasantly surprised by the color combo.  Online they looked like grape and white but in reality they are more raspberry.  When I put them on though they felt a little wide and I thought I mistakenly ordered the shoe in wide.  I called Adidas to make sure I hadn't made an error and got a great sales rep.  She took the time to look up my order and the shoe and told me that the shoe isn't available in wide.  She told me to try the shoe out and if it isn't working for me that I can return it even though I've worn it.  Thank you Adidas!  I cinched the shoes down and did a 1 mile trial run on the treadmill and I have to say I'm liking the fit.  The only problem is the scar and I was having that problem with my old shoes and every other pair of shoes that I own that tie.  I'm looking forward to trying them out on the road this weekend.

In other randomness I've been looking at races for the year and trying to put together some sort of a schedule that I can be successful with. I've decided to run a couple of 5K's and a 10K this spring and maybe, just maybe, a half in May.  My goal is to set new PR's for both the 5K and 10K.  Bill put the bug of the San Francisco half in my ear a month or so ago and it's sounding pretty good too.  I've never run that course and it's time to see some new sights.  In the fall I'm planning on Urban Cow and am hoping I will be fit enough to PR on that course yet again.  CIM is playing around in my brain too but I'm not ready to commit to a full this early in the year.

Thursday, February 17, 2011
Today's goal:  Run rest day/XT
Workout: 20 minute "hill" workout on treadmill. Max incline 6.0, max speed 15 min/mile.  1 mile run @ 11:30/mile to try out shoes.
Weather: Rain and wind

Blast from the past, Saturday February 17, 2001
Today's goal:  95-100 minutes with the team
Workout:  10 miles, 1:34:53 easy run
Weather:  Cloudy
Best run!  Could have gone farther.  No aches or pains.  Felt good.
Notes from the week:  Took it easy, rested left ankle, foot and shin.  Feeling good.  The marathon is not sounding so scary.
Distance for the week:  16 miles
Time for the week:  2:42:07
Distance to date:  113.5
Mileage on shoes: 126.9
Thought for the week (pre-printed in my journal):  This chance will only stand before you once. -Sandra Day O'Connor, U.S. Supreme Court Justice

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Wednesday, February 16

Today's goal:   4 mile tempo run.  1 mile warm-up, 2 miles @ 9:21, cool down 1 mile.
Workout:  2 miles @ 11:08/mile. 
Weather: Crazy.  Sun, rain, hail, rain, sun, rain. 
Overslept this morning and didn't have time to get run in.  Got on treadmill at 3:45 this afternoon but just couldn't seem to get warmed up.  My gait is off when on the dready.  Called it quits at 2 miles due to burning in left shin.  New shoes should be here tomorrow hopefully that will help with shin pain.

Blast from the past Friday, February 16, 2001
Today's goal:  55 minutes to make up yesterday's missed run
Workout: None
Weather:  Unknown
Ran out of daylight and energy.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


Luckily today is a run rest day.  I had planned on a little kick boxing for cross training but the cold is wiping me out so I decided to skip it.  Dance rehearsal at lunchtime today though.  Hopefully I'll feel up to it.  Going to be another hectic work week and already a day behind from yesterday's holiday.

Workout: Rest day/ XT
Weather: Cold, overcast

Blast from the past, Thursday 2/15/01
Today's goal:  55 minutes
Had field trip and leader (Cub Scouts) meeting, will run on Friday instead.

Monday, February 14, 2011


I did it.  3 miles on the dready at lunchtime.  It wasn't good or bad, it was just a run.  I was up for half the night.  Had to get out of my warm cozy bed at 1:00 AM to pick up #2 from his 4-day So Cal trip.  Crawled back into bed to Hubs snoring symphony.  In addition to the lack of sleep I seem to have caught a cold.  The inside of my nostrils are on fire and my nose is dripping like a faucet which has led to a super sore throat.

Monday, 2/14/11
3.29 miles @ 10:53/mile (treadmill)
Weather: Cold, breezy and rainy
Quads are not sore at all today.  I think that the walk and stretching yesterday were quite beneficial.

Blast from the past, Wednesday 2/14/01
Today's goal:  65-70 minutes with the Team
Distance: Ran approximately 6 miles, time 1:17:14
Weather:  Clear, cool
Easiest run in a while.  Tony (TNT Coach) told me to loosen my shoe to see if it helps my foot.  Goofed around a lot.  Good workout!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

History Repeating

Yesterday I came across some old training journals.  The oldest one I have is from 10 years ago as I trained for my first marathon, Rock 'n Roll San Diego.  It's interesting that some of the aches I have now I also had then.  I've decided to post what I wrote each day in the past along with what I'm currently doing as a comparison of sorts.

Here is a little history from this time period.  I have run off and on most of my life but not consistently and not much at all through my 20's.  In the spring of 2000 at the age of 32 I decided I needed a little me time and this was the best solution.  I could be out of the house for an hour at a time and at peace with my thoughts. My boys were very young (7, 4 1/2, 18 months) and for the most part I was a stay at home mom.  I worked a few hours a week at a local coffee house in the evening and on weekends.  Peace was hard to find.  In the fall of 2000 I began running races and loved it.  In December of that year one of my very best friends suggested checking out Team in Training and thus began my running "obsession".  The entries from this journal actually started on January 8, 2001 but for simplicities sake I am going to start with February 13, 2001.  Throughout January 2001 and into the first couple weeks of February I wrote about having a hard time fitting the workouts in and the cold weather being an obstacle.  At the point where I will pick up and post I am only running about 12 miles a week.

Sunday 2/13/11: 
6 mile walk with C this morning.  My quads are achy and tight from yesterday's long workout but not in a bad way.  Going to stretch throughout the day to loosen up some.

Blast from the past, Tuesday 2/13/01:
Today's goal: 55 minutes
Didn't run.  Left foot, ankle and shin still sore.

Until tomorrow, peace out!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Wednesday, Thursday, Friday & oh yeah a a little thing called Saturday

Wednesday, Thursday and Friday: 
3 mile walks each night with C.  Got on the dready early Wednesday morning but my left shin was burning so I decided to call it a day after a mile and stretch. I'm trying to be better about listening to my body and  not push through the pain anymore.  I want this to be an injury free year.  I missed rehearsal on Wednesday because quite frankly work sucks.  I did dance at home a couple mornings during the week though in an effort to stay caught up with the group.

Thursday morning C mentioned taking a 10 mile walk and Saturday and Sunday.  I said no thank you ma'am!  My plan was a 4 mile run on Saturday out in the sunshine and I just didn't have a 14 mile day in me.  But of course I couldn't resist getting on the USATF website and mapping a little something out.  I was able to map out a route that would let C continue her walk while I pounded out my 4 mile run then we would meet back up and walk another 4 back home together.  Easy peasy lemon squeezy right?  Well things didn't go exactly as planned and C got an intsy bit confused so I ended up running 5 before I caught back up with her.  The good news is I ran every single step and I felt great!  Well for the most part.  The funny thing is that my foot is 100% tolerating the running but the left side of my body is in rebellion.  Everything from butt to my toes is unhappy, stiff and sore.  After about a mile I was able to settle into a comfortable 10:30ish pace though.

It felt so good to plug my ear bud into my left ear.   I only wear one because I'm Fraidy McScardeypants that someone will come up on me and I won't hear them with both ear buds in.  So as I was saying before I so rudely interrupted myself, I got the tunes going and the sun stated kissing my face with her warmth and all felt right in my world.  This is the part of my life that I have been missing.  I love the feel of the effort, the blood pumping through my veins, and the sweat on my skin.

A few random things from the run...  As I ran along the crushed granite path I noticed what looked like parsley sprinkled across the sand colored surface.  Realized that it was actually grass clippings and that I apparently spend too much time watching Food Network and in my own kitchen!  Also I had the epiphany that I'm a little lot a bit in love with Eminem.  This really isn't news to me but might be some of you.  You see under this ex-librarian exterior is an inner rockstar that loves things like bad boys and tattoos.  Anyhoo, as my iPod put random music selections into my ear My Band by D12 began to play.  I absolutely love that song.  It's Em at his misogynist pig finest and I can't help singing along.  He really cracks my $*#@ up!

So there you have it, my week in review.  Life is good.  I get to spend time with C everyday and I'm getting back in my groove. 

C wants to try to walk 6.5 or 7 tomorrow morning but that will be dependent on if I able to walk by tomorrow morning or not!

Until next time, peace out!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Sunday, Monday and Tuesday

Sunday:  Run rest day.  Nice walk with C.  Housework and laundry.

Monday AM:  3.32 miles on tready @10:21 mile.  Tried barefoot running for first time.  Ditched the effort after 1/2 mile just too weird and LOUD.  I sounded like an elephant tromping along!  Put shoes on finished up.  Overall feel just okay, still creaky and rusty though.  After run did a few quick strength exercises and stretched.

Monday PM:  2.5 mile walk with C to vent steam that #2 is creating.

Tuesday AM:  Run rest day.Half hour of dance so I'd somewhat remember what the heck we are doing at rehearsal today. 

Tuesday PM:  Planned walk with C tonight.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Friday and Saturday

No run day since I ran on Thursday.  No walk either because it was our annual girls night out to celebrate 5 birthdays.  Too much red wine, yummo pizza and gelato!

6:30 AM:  Un-Godly hour after night out with the girls.  2.5 mile walk with C.  Nice way to ease into the day.
7:30 AM:  Winco shopping trip.  Again, un-Godly hour to be taking on such a task but at least the store was relatively empty and we have food for the week.
8:30 AM:  Put away groceries for what felt like and hour and a half.
10:15 AM:  3 mile run.  Started out on the dready in an attempt to monitor my pace.  Hated every single step so I jumped off and headed outside.  Ran an itsy bitsy fast but it was glorious out in the sun's warmth.

Things I realized out on the run:
#1 The wiggle jiggle of my thighs is gross.  Hello chaffing.  Need to lose more weight immediately!
#2 I need new shoes.  This pair is feeling very broken down.  Checked my mileage and yes I'm overdue even with the time off last year.
#3  In dire need of new music in the iPod.  Diggin' Dubstep lately.  Must have #1 help me find some good songs.

Off to get #2 ready for tonight's formal dance.

Happy Saturday! Peace out!


AM:  2 miles on the dready tready.  I'm dying to get outside and run in this streak of beautiful weather we are having but I'm sticking to the treadmill this week to help me keep the pace slow.  This is a test in patience and I feel as though I'm failing.  The entire 2 miles my fingers twitched to ramp the speed upward.

PM:  Planned 2.5 mile walk was thrown to the wayside for dinner out with the family.  I practically licked my plate clean.  Not a good thing nor was it pretty I'm sure!

Thursday, February 3, 2011


Decided to follow HP's lead and not run two days in a row.  It's killin' me but I know it's the best thing for now.

AM:  30 minutes of dynamic stretch, planks, push-ups and static stretch.

Late AM: 30-40 dance rehearsal

PM: 2.5 mile walk

Feels good to be active again.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


Fear is slowly slinking out of the picture.  I had a great 2 mile run this afternoon.  I ran every single step and everything felt pretty good.  Rusty but good.  Mind you I am no speed demon.  10:57 per mile is far from where I'd like to be but a run is run no matter what at this point.

After my run I ventured out for a walk with the dogs in the wind.  NOT so pleasant.  But it did make my total mileage for the day 4.5 and it's been a LONG time since I've been able to withstand more than a mile or two.

Needless to say my mood has been lifted and the fire has begun to burn again.