Sunday, March 6, 2011


Sunday, March 6, 2011
Today's goal:  Run rest day/XT
Workout:  None

I signed up for my 19th half marathon today, the American River Parkway 1/2 in late April.  I'm pretty excited about it.  I don't have any idea what kind of time I will finish in and to quite honest I don't even care.  After being forced to take so much time off last year I have been re-evaluating my training strategy.  I fell into the bad habit of no cross training whatsoever.  That proved to be to hinder me in more ways than one.  I also realized that I got to be a lazy runner and I relied upon what others were doing.  I stopped running like me and tried to run like someone else.  My competitive nature made me miserable and I felt let down each time I fell shy of a time goal. 

I miss running with my friends though.  I'd like to be able to run with them a few times a month.  Hopefully after the last 9 months of surgery and recovery I can go back to the group setting without putting pressure on myself.  Only time will tell. 

I've got a busy week ahead  and I'm trying to figure out how to fit my runs in.  I'm going to be working 7 hour days as opposed to my regular 4 hours.  In order to get my run in before getting the kids off to school and myself to work I will have to get up around 4:30 AM.  I don't know if I can't commit to that but I'm not great at working in afternoon workouts so it may be my only choice.  In addition to running this week I am going to get to at least 3 of 4 scheduled dance rehearsals.  I love dancing with my homies and I feel like I'm getting stronger by using my legs in a completely different way.

Blast from the past, Tuesday, March 6, 2001.
Today's goal:  5 miles
Workout:  None
No excuses, just didn't feel like going.


  1. Ehh, we all have those I don't wanna go days. Seeing that you have already ran 18 Halfs, I am sure you know what you're doing. Don't let it get ya down. Hope you enjoyed the rest!

  2. Hey cousin, It has been a long time since we have seen each other. I know what you mean about the time off from surgery's. I've had six shoulder surgeries, three each. And my left elbow rebuilt. Hang in there and keep on reaching for your goals.

    David Teresi

  3. Thanks Shane! I can't say that I enjoyed the rest but it was much needed!

    David! Long time, no see! Getting old sucks, eh?!


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