Tuesday, August 24, 2010

40/102 Days

Workout 4 miles (10:25/mi).  Crawled out of bed early enough to see the giant orange globe of the moon drop from the sky and give way to a crisp, clear beautiful summer morning.  Foot is very tender today.  Little massage and ice yesterday turned out to be no bueno today.  Lesson learned.

1 comment:

  1. I am a new visitor and follower from Over 40 Blogger's..yes I am always a day late and a dollar short too.
    We have a lot in common; I am battling back from injuries from an auto accident last September(no marathons for me just yet) and I can now finally say I am a writer.
    I hope when you get the chance you will stop by and say hello.


Please, please, please leave your thoughts here. I'd really ♥ to hear from you!