Sunday, August 29, 2010

35 days to Urban Cow 97 days to CIM

7 miles.  Long slow miles (11:00/mi).  Had a hard time pacing myself today.  Glad to have 7 under my belt.  I had a few doubts when I stepped out the door this morning that I would be able to finish that distance.  Feeling better now that I did.  5 weeks to the half, I think I'm gonna be ready!

Tomorrow's workout?  REST day! Yeah!


  1. Sounds like you are almost ready for a trip around Lake Natoma!

  2. Thanks Chrissy! I'm trying! :-)

  3. B~Give me two weeks and I'll be there!

  4. kelly, my oldest was impressed w/the marathon u are entering...she had never heard of it...she looked at this log and thought u were doing well...

  5. Tell her thank you for me!
    CIM is short for California International Marathon. It runs from Folsom to the State Capitol. She can check it out here:
    As long as my foot holds up I'll be able to make it :-)


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