Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Getting back to a routine

Every day that the sun shines her pretty face here in northern California I want to lace up my shoes and head out for a run but that's still out of the question.  I'm grateful that I haven't lost the desire over these last several months.  I keep trying to convince myself that another 5 months won't be that bad, that a little rest never hurt anyone.  It's not working but I'm trying.

This week I made a promise to myself that I would get back into some sort of exercise routine.  Whether it be yoga, pilates, weight training, swimming or walking.  Today I took the first steps in fulfilling that promise.  I dug out an old pilates DVD and got to work.  It was 30 excruciating minutes and my body feels like Jello.  I'm sure tomorrow I will awake to soreness throughout my entire body but it will be worth it!

I see Dr. N in 3 weeks.  I hoping for more good news.  I've been really babying the foot this time around and the healing feels totally different.  I think this is a good sign and I've got my fingers crossed!

Until next time, peace out!

Thursday, December 23, 2010

In need of a run

I find the holidays to be more stressful than joyful.  I am much like the character Clark Griswold.  I build things up in my head and there is just no way on earth they will turn out the way I dream them.  I usually rely on running to balance the stress out for me.  Needless to say it's been rough going the last couple of weeks without any good heart pumping exercise.

Monday was a day that tipped me over the breaking point.  It's a long story and for the most part it's all worked out just fine but still it was more than I could take 5 days before Christmas.  I became so restless and irritable I couldn't stand myself.  My oldest son was having the same bank busting day I was and he too was restless and irritable.  He suggested we head out to the tennis courts between rain storms and work out some aggression.

It was awesome.  He is relatively new to the game and I am in no shape to play a full on game of tennis with a teenager so it worked out perfectly.  He took it easy on me and we spent an hour out in the rain scented December air.  We laughed at serves that barely made it over the net and felt victorious when we could volley back and forth.  It was just what the doctor ordered for my mood.  Well he probably wouldn't suggest tennis just yet but my foot felt great.  I took it super easy and didn't push beyond what the tendon can do.

I forgot how much I love the game.  I used to play everyday before becoming a full-time mommy nearly 20 years ago.  On Tuesday my calves and quads woke up saying "just who do you think you are expecting movement out of us after 8 weeks of no activity"?  It was a wonderful feeling!  I think we will head back out today since there is a little sun in our forecast. 

Who knows, maybe this will be part of my new cross-training plan once I've been cleared by Dr. N to return to my normal activity level!

Thursday, December 9, 2010


Ever wonder what happens when you go from running 100+ miles a month to zero miles a month?  Let me tell you.  You get F A T!  I am at an all time, non-pregnancy high and I am major sads about it.  Could I fix it?  You bet.  As it it I eat between 1500-1700 calories a day.  A handy dandy website that calculates daily caloric intake to lose pounds says I need to cut that to 1200 a calories a day while not vigorously exercising.  Yeah I tried that and it ummm sucks! A lot. 

I need to find something to do that will burn calories and let this foot rest.  So far I've come up with weight lifting and resistance training.  Both of these sound, BORING!  Really just thinking about them make me yawn.  I can tell you that as of yet I have not bounded out of bed to head out to the ice cold garage and lift weights.  And, resistance training conjures up memories of hours upon hours of rehab that my knee required just two short years ago. 

Just putting this in a whiny post is making ashamed of myself for being so pouty.  Maybe tomorrow I'll actually do something instead of complain.  Maybe.

Peace out!

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Visited Dr. N yesterday and received some good news.  The tendon is strong and healing nicely.  Yes, I've been a good girl and have been following his instructions.  It's not easy for me and my anxiety/crabbiness is off the chart but nonetheless I am doing what he says.

As of yesterday I have been okayed to walk around the house without the boot.  This morning I have slippers on both feet and it feels great!  My foot and ankle are both very tender so prolonged periods without the boot won't be happening yet but at least I'm better off then I was two weeks ago!  I should be boot free in the two weeks.  Baby steps, I know.  It looks like I will be back to swimming (and dancing, yes H, dancing!) by mid-January.  I'm looking forward to something that gets my cardio going!

Peace out!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

A little bit of this and a little bit of that

It's been 7 days since surgery and over a month since my last run.  I miss it but I'm getting used to it.  However I'm dealing with headaches and anxiety daily and I do not like that.  Running is like a pressure relief valve for me and for now the pressure keeps building.  I do not know how I am going to survive 6 months off the road.  I'm also worried that after taking off 6 months making a new start at the age of 43 will be extremely hard. 

I'm thinking I need to change the title of the blog to My life on the mend since I seem to be doing more of that this year than any actual running.

CIM is only 10 or so days away.  In some ways I'm thankful for this damn injury because it is unseasonably cold and I think it would have been a pretty miserable race.  I'm setting my sites on fair weather marathon in early 2012.  God, that sounds so far off in the future.

I'll try to keep you updated on my progress and impending insanity.

Peace out!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Who knew?

I swam for exercise last night and guess what, it was super fun!  Oh and super hard!  I can run for miles and miles but a 100 yard swim kicked my butt.  But I kept at it and managed to stay in the pool for about 40 minutes.  I have no idea how many laps or yards I swam but I plan to go and do it again.  Possibly tonight.  We'll see how the day pans out.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Swimming? Hmmmm....

Remember a couple of days ago when I mentioned that I’m kicking around the idea of swimming in lieu of running while I get this foot thing all sorted out?

Well it sounded like a good idea to my pal Heather who is currently nursing a hip injury caused by an irritable IT band. I tell ya, I’m one lucky girl. Who else could make the rare to find of a running buddy that suffers an injury as grievous as mine? Seriously the cosmos must be aligned just right! Any whoo Sunday afternoon as I blew up her phone with text updates about Bill’s NYC Marathon progress she asked if I wanted to start going to lap swim with her. Our community pool offers adult lap swim in the evening. It’s pretty cheap and the pool is heated so I said sure.

But here's the problem:  Most of my life swimming has been merely to cool down or a way to get to my pool float so I can soak up the summer sun with a cool drink in my hand. On occasion the ocean calls and I will Boogie Board until I am near exhaustion. But lap swimming, not so much.

Yesterday H gave me a call. She is all signed up and ready to swim. She sounded pretty excited and in turn I got excited that I’d be doing some sort of cardio while recuperating. Last night Heather even posted about the new adventure and found a swim workout. Now I am the queen of run training schedules but it never occurred to me to make a swim schedule. How did I miss that deet?! Also, I need to find a suit built for swimming not for sunning. I own a dozen bathing suits and I don’t think a one of them will do the job. The Hubs says wear board shorts and a rash guard like you would if you were Boogie Boarding. Yeah that might work. I’m feeling behind the curve and we haven’t even hit the water yet. Yikes!

Today I’ve got butterflies like none other. I am not graceful and am pretty sure that swimming in a straight line is going to be tough. What if I have to share the lane with another swimmer? That has the potential to be no bueno!

Stay tuned; I’m sure there will be a good story coming out of this!

Peace out!

Saturday, November 6, 2010

MRI Results

Thursday night I went in for an MRI.  I had never undergone one.  The process was really interesting.  Son #1 went with me and kept me abreast of what was taking place around me.  Out of the whole experience I am still surprised at the amount of noise the machine produces.  I hadn't expected that.

Dr. N called yesterday afternoon.  The MRI results are inconclusive.  The Radiologist believes the tumor is the same as the first one.  Ganglion in nature.  Which means in all likelihood it will once again be a benign bump.  That's the good news.  The not so good news is the mass is growing on top of the tendon rather than along side of it as Dr. N hoped.  Also, the Radiologist was unable to determine how much of the tendon is involved and how much Dr. N will need to remove this time.  So it will be a wait and see game.  Here's to hoping it's not any worse than last time!

Surgery is scheduled for the 17th.  I can use all the luck, prayers, and well wishes anyone cares to send my way!

Today I started resistance exercises and am trying a few different things to see what I'll be able to do after surgery that will not involve the tendon while it heals.  Obviously squats are out.  I tried a couple different leg raises today.  I think I'll be able to do most of those and of course core/upper body work.  I am contemplating swimming once Dr. N clears me to do so, hopefully in early December.  A local swim center offers lap swimming both early in the morning and later in the evening.  The pool is heated but I'm not sure I'm tough enough to to bear the frigid air once exiting the water. I'm going to have to think about this one for awhile!

Peace out and happy Saturday!

Monday, November 1, 2010

New week. New attitude.

MRI is scheduled for Thursday evening. I’m feeling a little nervous. I’ve never undergone an MRI and have heard it can be very nerve racking for some.

Looking forward to some spring races. Barring any unforeseen complications I should be able to start training around New Year’s. In the meantime the Hubs and I will begin a workout regime that will strengthen my core and upper body. I’m going to take this opportunity to work some most often neglected areas. My plan is to return to running stronger than ever.

My friend Bill is heading off to New York this week to run his first NYC Marathon. Head on over to his blog and wish him good luck!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010


Dr. N looked at my foot for less than 30 seconds and was able to tell that the tumor is back.  Surgery is scheduled for November 17.  Again a 2 month recovery period.  Feeling pretty bummed but glad I didn't pay the $100.00 for CIM.  I guess it really was a blessing in disguise that it filled before I registered.

Monday, October 25, 2010

I run. It's who I am. It's what I do.

I run.  It's who I am.  It's what I do. 

I realize that most people don't understand it.  I can't really explain it.   It's just a part of me.

My relationship with running started as a teenager.  It began like any typical teenage romance with an on again off again attitude.  But much like an older, more mature relationship it turned into a serious love affair as the years went by.  I began a regular daily run 10 years ago, long before it was fashionable to do so.  I did it on my own.  I did it for me and no one else.  I had no running partner and I made time for it not matter what else was on my plate for the day.  The kids grew older and it got tougher to fit it in but I have always managed to do so.  It's a part of me that I'm proud of.

When I realized last week that my hope of running CIM for a 2nd time would not happen this year I was angry.  And, I think a few of those close to me were surprised by my strong disappointment.  Now after a few days of reflection I realize that more than anything I am sad and afraid that it might never happen again.  You see I have a deep seeded need to run CIM and do it better than I did in 2008.  The need invades my dreams when I sleep and many of my waking moments.  I cannot escape the desire because hiding behind my wild mop of hair and goofy demeanor is a perfectionist who lurks on the edges of the OCD pool.  I know that's not pretty, the truth rarely is.  But it is what it is and I'd be lying if I tried to say it is anything else.

Tomorrow I will roll the dice of fate and return to the familiar office of my friendly HMO podiatrist Dr. N to see what my running future holds.  What will he say?  I have no idea and I am not even sure what I hope he will say.  I find that I'm forced to ask myself what is the lesser of two evils. That I have a wad of scar tissue that is causing moderate to severe discomfort and nothing can be done for it? Or that the tumor has somehow returned and I must once again undergo surgery?  Neither scenario is one I want to contemplate.  What I really want is for a fairy godmother to wave a magic wand and make the foot magically healed.  I want to go out for a run and just enjoy it, not spend the miles worrying if I'm causing irreparable damage or if it will be my last run.

So as I get ready to call it a night I'm asking for all of you to keep your fingers crossed form me tomorrow.  And it you happen to have a fairy godmother please send her my way.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Game Over

Bill called last night to tell me that the registration cap has been met for the 2010 California International Marathon (CIM).  Damn it.  Only 4 more days until I see Dr. N for a follow up.  I was waiting on his okay before taking on the challenge of 26.2 miles in the frigid December air.  Damn it, damn it all to hell. Obvisously I'm little more than upset about this.  There is a story behind this race and I'll post about it soon.  Bill did sign up as a relay team and being the great guy that he is he put me down as a member.  This is why I have such admiration for Bill.  He's just so darn thoughtful!

Ran what felt like an easy 4 this morning with Kim even though in my current state I was in no mood at all for a run.

Up tomorrow?  REST day!  Up Saturday?  15 miles with the group, maybe.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010


Nice 4.75 with Kim in the dark this morning.  Feeling a little sluggish.  I think it's just the weight of the CIM decision that's holding me down.

Up tomorrow?  4-5 miles

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


Each day I'm coming closer to the decision of not running CIM.  There is a very good possibility that the cap of 7,500 runners will be reached before my doctors appointment on the 26th.  I guess if that happens then the decision will be made for me. 

With only 48 days to go and the longest run I have to date is 13.1 I feel completely unprepared.  I also have the sinking feeling that the tumor is still in my foot and growing strong.  I'll post pictures later.

With that said I'll continue with the training until the doctor tells me otherwise.

No run again today but #3 and I had a nice evening walk with the dogs.

Up tomorrow?  5 miles dark and early with Kim


No run.  Nice 2 mile walk with the Hubs and the pooches.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

50 days

Great day to take off.  Rained much of the afternoon.  The Hubs and I had lunch together and then went grocery shopping.  Not much of a date day but it was nice to go out without the kids.  Made baked potato soup for dinner and now I'm ready for bed!

Up tomorrow?  Easy 3

Saturday, October 16, 2010

53, 52, 51

Took rest days on Thursday and Friday.  Just too much going on this week between work and the kids.

Today I had a really nice 11 mile run with friends.   I took it easy again today and averaged 11:30/mi.  We hit the lake at 6:30 AM and were privileged enough to witness a gorgeous sunrise.

The temperature was a very comfortable 60 at the start of the run and had only warmed to 65 by the end.  I was a little sad that I didn't have it in me to complete 22 miles with Bill today but I know it was best for my foot.  While I was in no extra pain this morning I was still in pain. 

Around mile 9 Bill told me he had something to show me at the end of my run.  He said it was a memorial but would not elaborate past that.  As we neared the memorial he pointed the way and instructed to me to "go sit on the bench".  I approached the bench I instantly recognized the significance of the bronze sculpture. 

I sat heavily on the bench and sobbed in the still autumn air.  The memorial is to honor the memory of 3 fallen Sheriff's Deputies whom my husband worked with.  Two of the deputies were killed and the third was critically injured when their helicopter crashed on the north shore of Lake Natoma in July 2005.  Though the accident happened 5 years ago I remember it like it was yesterday.  After several minutes I pulled myself together and started the short walk back to my car.  Bill and Dave were waiting along the path.  They knew I needed the privacy to sit with my thoughts and memories. It was an emotional end to my morning run but it reminded me that I need to count my blessings each day. 

Up tomorrow? REST day!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010


Rest day that really wasn't a rest day.  Up 30 minutes earlier than I would have been on a training day so I could get to work by 7:15.  Very tired this afternoon.

Up tomorrow?  4 or 5 easy miles

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


I'm baaaack!  After an 8 day break I had a great 5.5 mile (10:45)  run this morning. 

I'm still deliberating plunking down a c-note on CIM.  I want to run this race so badly, make my goal time and enjoy the finish line area.  But the fact of the matter is that none of this may happen.  After Urban Cow I had a lot of swelling in the surgery area.  Every day it seems the knot that remains there grows.   I've got an appointment in a couple weeks with the podiatrist that performed the surgery and we'll see what he thinks.  I've got my fingers crossed that it is just scar tissue and not the tumor making a repeat performance.

Up tomorrow?  Extra early day at work so no time for a morning run.  Heat is back which means I'll probably wimp out and not run in the evening either!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

63 days to CIM

Rest day number two after Urban Cow.  Overall feeling great and rested.  The swelling in my foot has calmed down and I have minimal soreness in the rest of my legs. 

Up tomorrow?  An easy 2 or 3.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Urban Cow Half Marathon 10.03.2010

Where to begin? Well first off I finished! My official time was 2:30:30. Not my best time but not my worst either. Urban Cow was my 18th ½ marathon and yet I was as nervous as I was at my 1st back in October of 2006. It’s hard for me to believe that I’ve run so many of these events in such a short period of time. When I looked at my results to see how I’ve finished these 18 half marathons I found that I ran the EXACT same time at Urban Cow (then the Sacramento Cowtown) on October 7, 2007. It was the first time I ran this event. I then went on to PR at Cowtown twice with a 2:12:46 in 2008 and a 2:08:05 in 2009. Late last week Heather and I agreed to run the race together. I’m so happy we decided to stay together. Heather’s goal was to beat her finish time from last year and my goal was to just finish. We were both successful! Heather took over 6 minutes off her time and I made it to the finish line!
I started the morning off early picking up Kim and Heather and then heading off to the annual pre-race get together at Bill’s a few short blocks from the starting line. Bill is my friend, mentor and at times my coach.  As it has been for the last few years Bill and his wife Andrea invited a great group of runners of all levels to start the morning together. They are the most gracious hosts providing strong, hot coffee, bananas and the use of their bathroom.  I am so thankful for great friends like these!

Bill’s wife snapped this photo of Bill, his “harem” and Dave. Good times!
Walking to the start the air was chilly against my skin and the sky was filled with early fall cloud cover. Perfect running weather! What a relief! When the temps reached 100° early last week I was worried. It has been unseasonably cool here all summer and I haven’t spent any time training in the extreme heat.

Waiting for the race to begin

We ticked off the miles taking in the scenery and people watching. Let me tell you a race is a great place to people watch! We moved along at a fairly even pace for the better part of 10 miles. I was pleased that I felt minimal discomfort in my foot except for the first few warm up miles. After mile 10 we decided to run harder and take a few walk breaks. It felt good to stretch my legs out and push myself.

As we approached the finish line I felt an overwhelming sense of accomplishment and pride. Even though I am no where as fast as I was just one year ago I was able to train for and run one of my favorite races. While the tendon surgery has taken its toll it hasn’t completely debilitated me and for that I am grateful.

The next two or three days will be recovery days. Days to let my body rest from the stresses I put on it during those 13.1 miles. As I take it easy I will be taking a long, hard look at how my foot feels and make the final decision about taking on CIM.

Saturday, October 2, 2010


One day to go.  Nervous and excited.  No workout today.  Had a fabulous lunch with the girls and tonight celebrated my sisters birthday at Bucca Di Beppo.  I love that place! 

Up tomorrow?  13.1 miles of fun at the Urban Cow Half Marathon!!

Nighty night!


Rest day.  Got a foam roller and worked with it.  So painful.  I had pain in muscles I didn't even know I had. 

Thursday, September 30, 2010


4 miles (10:30/mi) with Kim.  I ran harder than I planned this morning but I'm feeling good.

I've had a couple of questions asked over the last day so I'll answer them here:
Kim asked:  "Does your foot hurt?". 
Yes, my foot hurts every single minute of every single day.  I hope that someday it won't but for now it does.  It serves as a reminder that no matter how much I exercise or eat clean illness can still strike.  I thank my lucky stars everyday that it wasn't the "The Big C"!

KBF asked: "How are you dealing with the heat?". 
For the record it has been crazy hot here in my part of the world!  100 degrees F yesterday afternoon.  KBF I'm dealing with it by going out at 5:45 AM when it's only 70 degrees!  Race day forecast is back down in the 80's, should be a perfect running morning!

On another note, Heather said I can run with her during the race on Sunday morning.  Yay!  I was afraid she'd want to go solo!  We are shooting for 11:00/mile average which will have us finishing under 2 hours 30 minutes.  Heck I don't care if we take all day, I just want to finish!

Up tomorrow?  I haven't decided yet.  Either an easy 3 miles or rest day.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010


REST day.  I more or less rested.  Went to work early so I could leave early.  Watched a movie in a quiet house before the kids came home.  Baked homemade bread and got dinner on the table by 6:00.  Overall very successful rest day!

Lot's of stretching today.  Left piriformis is acting up probably due to change in my gait from surgery.  I'll be heading back to the chiropractor after Sunday's race to work on the scar tissue in my foot.  The incision has finally stopped peeling and scabbing.  Ew gross I know!

Up tomorrow?  4 miles dark and early with Kim.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010


5 miles (10:40/mi) with Kim.  Yes Jerry we played nice.  Good run.  Foot is a tight but nothing a little massage and ice won't fix.

Up tomorrow?  REST day

Monday, September 27, 2010


2 miles (10:30) on the dreadmill and 20 minutes of stretch.  Everything from my butt to my toes is super tight.  Planning on more stretch tonight.  Overall feeling good about finishing Urban Cow even though it won't be my fastest finish.

Up tomorrow?  5 miles.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

7 days to Urban Cow 72 days to CIM

Woke up this morning feeling lazy and not in the mood to run in the 75 degree heat.  I did go on a wonderful 4 mile walk with Cheryl, her dog Hurley, and my dog Jack.  Great morning.  The walking was a nice way to work the foot without the pounding of a run. 

Up tomorrow?  4 miles


30 minutes of ab and upper body work. 

Up tomorrow?  Not sure yet.  Will see how I feel in the morning.

Friday, September 24, 2010


Rest continued today.  Last night the hubs massaged the gimpy foot.  I'm going to try to get a few miles in tomorrow.  A little more than a week to go now.  Still nervous/excited.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

14/76, 13/75, 12/74, 11/73, 10/75

Sorry kids life has been in the way all week.  Training has pretty much been nil this week.  I'm getting excited/nervous for Urban Cow but I'm feeling healthy and ready!

Saturday, September 18, 2010


Ah yeah!  This is the way we do it.  12 miles done by 9:00 AM and I'm feeling GREAT!  Mostly it's due to the fact that Heather came out with me again and we meet up with my old friend Bill and new friend Carolyn.  Time flew and even though it was super humid for our part of the country the temperature was just right.  Two weeks until Urban Cow and I'm feeling pretty confident!

Up tomorrow? REST DAAAAY!  Yay!

Friday, September 17, 2010


3 miles.  Done. Fin. Finito. 

There was a time not that long ago that I thought anything less than 5 miles was not much of a run.  My last two runs have been less then 5 and tough for me.  My limbs feel heavy and I cannot wait to be done with the run.  I feel like I'm carrying the weight of the world or at least the weight of my world.

Up tomorrow?  12-14 miles with friends.

Thursday, September 16, 2010


REST day.

Up tomorrow?  3 or 4 easy miles to prepare for Saturday's 12-14

Wednesday, September 15, 2010


Overslept yet again, ugh.  Did make it out the door around 6:20 and get in 4 miles.  Not a great run (10:20/mi).  Was hoping to get down into the high 9's.  Might have been last night's fast food bender that slowed me down!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010


Slept 'til 6:30, seriously considered skipping but then I dragged my butt out of bed.  Was able to get in 3 slow, easy (10:35/mi) miles on the dreadmill.  My foot is feeling cranky and pretty much told me eff you for taking 5 days off and ignoring me.  Point taken.  Back to ibuprofen, ice, massage and stretching.

Up tomorrow?  5 mile tempo run.

Monday, September 13, 2010

22/84, 21/83 & 20/82

I am currently in the epic fail portion of my training.  For some reason I cannot find the motivation to get out the door.  Lame I know but that's how I roll sometimes.  Tomorrow is a new day, hopefully I'll have a new attitude too.

Friday, September 10, 2010


Overslept this morning and didn't get in a run.  Tonight I'm just too tired.  It's been a rough week at work.  Planning a 12 mile run sometime this weekend.

Thursday, September 9, 2010


Took a second rest day today.  I gave blood Tuesday and was stilling feeling a little tired this morning. 

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


Decided a day of rest is in order.  I'm expecting a lot out a foot that was sliced, diced and put back together just 12 short weeks ago.

Up tomorrow? The speed work I skipped today.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010


Workout:  5 mile recovery run.  Oops ran about 5.5 (10:45/mi).  Still having trouble pacing.  Today I wanted to stay around 11:00 and take it easy.  I fought myself the whole way.  I'm not sure what my problem is.

I swallowed my fear of running alone in the dark and went out before the sun this morning.  May have been part of the reason I had trouble pacing.  I had this anxious weight in my chest and I really had to fight to keep calm.  Luckily I didn't come across anything or anyone out of the ordinary.

I'm starting to recognize a few butts faces in the park now.  There is a pair of women that actually crack me up.  They are walkers which is totally cool except for the fact that they don't have any trail etiquette and refuse to shift to one side to be passed.  One of them always has a venti sized iced Starbucks beverage with her and both ladies are also very spiffy.  Mind you I dress in the dark and the only spiffin' up I do is brushing my teeth.  Some mornings I wish I had that Starbucks drink though.  I would mainline caffeine all day long if I could find a way to do it.

This morning as I trotted by the aforementioned ladies a masters runner whizzed by on the other side of them.  That's  a really fast old guy for those of you who are wondering.  He seriously whooshed on by like I was standing still.  Man do I envy people who can run like that.  He made it seem so effortless.

Up tomorrow?  Speed work.  Yeah, right!  Well maybe.

Monday, September 6, 2010


REST day.  Yay!  I'm truly taking the day off and just relaxing.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

28 days to Urban Cow 90 days to CIM

9.4 miles!  Feeling on top of the world!  Had the old butterflies in the stomach this morning.  I'm not sure if I was more nervous about the mileage or running with a new partner who was nervous about running with me.  Turned out to be a beautiful morning and the company was FABULOUS (insert sing song voice here!).  Thanks for a great run Heather!  I'm now positive that I can finish Urban Cow even if I have to walk half of it.  Great, I mean super great day!!!

Up tomorrow?  REST day.  Woo hoo!!

Saturday, September 4, 2010


Strength exercises and stretch.  Boring but effective.

Up tomorrow?  9 miles of awesomeness with PDawg!  Can't wait!

Friday, September 3, 2010


REST day. 
Tomorrow 30-40 minutes of cross training.

Thursday, September 2, 2010


Overslept again.  Damn it.  Cut today's planned 5 miler down to 3.  Decided to push a little harder since I cut the distance down.  Was hoping to get down to 9:50/mile didn't quite make it coming in at 10:00/mile.  Did manage negative splits though.  Mile 1 10:56, mile 2 9:49, mile 3 9:31.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010


4 miles (10:10/mi).  Was up 'til after midnight with the hubs.  Literally have only seen each other passing from one activity to the next for over a week.  Overslept this morning. Didn't have time for my planned 6 mile run.  I didn't see another soul running or walking on my route for the first 2 miles.  That's pretty odd since I ran my park route.  But at mile 2 I saw a familiar gentleman ahead on the path.  He has the sweetest smile and twinkling blue eyes and reminds me so much of my grandfather.  It made my morning!

Foot feels great today.  All the stretching and icing is finally paying off!

Up tomorrow?  5 miles

Tuesday, August 31, 2010


Took an extra rest day.  Live has been hectic and I don't want to risk running myself into the ground. 


REST day.  Slept in, iced, massaged and stretched.  Good day!

Sunday, August 29, 2010

35 days to Urban Cow 97 days to CIM

7 miles.  Long slow miles (11:00/mi).  Had a hard time pacing myself today.  Glad to have 7 under my belt.  I had a few doubts when I stepped out the door this morning that I would be able to finish that distance.  Feeling better now that I did.  5 weeks to the half, I think I'm gonna be ready!

Tomorrow's workout?  REST day! Yeah!

Saturday, August 28, 2010


Mentally and physically draining week.  30 minutes of yoga today.  More stretching, icing and massaging.

Up tomorrow?  7 miles.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

39 Days to Urban Cow 101 Days to CIM

2 mile run today (10:00/mi).  Still tender, no shock there but it's not getting worse.  It's hot here yo!  70 degrees Fahrenheit (21 degrees Celsius for my friends outside the U.S.) when I hit the pavement at 6:15 AM.  I'm glad I got it out of the way early!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

40/102 Days

Workout 4 miles (10:25/mi).  Crawled out of bed early enough to see the giant orange globe of the moon drop from the sky and give way to a crisp, clear beautiful summer morning.  Foot is very tender today.  Little massage and ice yesterday turned out to be no bueno today.  Lesson learned.

Monday, August 23, 2010

41 days to Urban Cow 103 days to CIM

REST DAY!  Feeling great after yesterday's run.  Bring on the new week!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

42 days to Urban Cow 104 days to CIM

Today's workout slow, easy 5 miles (10:35/mi).  Yes I did it!  And, I ran every step of the way thank you very much!  I decided to run the majority of the route through the park.  It was a beautiful morning and the damp, spongy DG of the trail felt wonderful under my tender foot.

There a couple of details I left out of yesterday's post.  #1 My gimpy right foot is just as strong and mobile as my healthy left foot.  #2 The pain I've been feeling while running, walking or sleeping was being caused by the muscle in the arch being as tight as a piano string.  The masochistic massage and ice have helped immensely.  The pain was so minimal this morning it was like a gift from above.  I'm starting to remember the feeling of loving to run.

Here's today's random play list.  It is really random.
  • Sexy Bitch -- Akon Feat David Guletta
  • Telephone -- Lady Gaga Feat Beyonce
  • Rymin & Stealin -- Beastie Boys
  • Hotel Room Service -- Pitbull
  • Touch My Body -- Mariah Carey
  • Slow Ride -- Beastie Boys
  • Love the Way You lie -- Eminem Feat Rhianna
  • Ridin Solo -- Jason Derulo
  • Lucky -- Jason Mraz Feat Colbie Caillat
  • When I Grow Up -- The Pussycat Dolls
  • Meet Me Half Way -- Black Eyed Peas
  • The New Style -- Beastie Boys
  • 'Till I Collapse -- Eminem
Tomorrow's workout?  REST day!

Saturday, August 21, 2010


Rocktape.  A girl's best friend?  We shall see...

I spent 45 minutes being tortured treated by Doc Williams yesterday.  The good news is he can improve the way my foot is performing and help me get back into top shape.  The bad news is I should have started seeing him 6 weeks ago.  That's the story of my life, a day late and a dollar short.  So now begins therapy amidst training.  If you don't know about kinesio tape you can read about it here.  After my session yesterday which involved deep tissue massage that brought tears to this self proclaimed tough girl's eyes my foot is very tender today.  Doc says to expect some bruising from the brutal massage and tenderness for a couple of days.  Yeah! I surely haven't had enough pain with this whole ordeal yet!  Okay enough whining already.

Today's cross training hell consisted of Yoga for Beginners.  Ummm not so very relaxing.  Developed by zen masters or sadomasochists?  The jury is still out on that one.

Up tomorrow?  Slow easy 5 miler.

Friday, August 20, 2010

44 days to Urban Cow 106 days to CIM

Fanfreakingtastic 3 miles (10:05/mi) this morning.  Is Stella getting her groove back? Perhaps. 
I ran an old, familiar route that took me on a 1.5 mile loop through the park.  It's been a LONG time since I've run through the park and I realized how much I missed it.  I ran into a friend that I haven't seen for some time and she asked how my foot is doing.  Wow!  Thanks for asking!  I had no idea she knew I'd had surgery. 
I have an appointment with the chiro doc this afternoon.  I haven't been since before my surgery but the 'ol hips are really rebelling this week and I want to squash that before it becomes a big problem.  I'm also hoping he will be able to kenesio tape my foot.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

45 days to Urban Cow 107 days to CIM

Overslept this morning and couldn't get to my run tonight.  Did get in a short walk with the dogs after dinner.  Trying hard to re-establish a morning running routine but so far I'm sucking at it!  Feeling a little nervous that I only have 45 days to Urban Cow.  I'm disappointed by the realization that I will be running just to finish not to make my goal time.

46 days to Urban Cow 108 to CIM

Nice walk with the dogs, lots of stretching and ice.  Foot feels pretty good after yesterday's 3 miler.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

54 days to Urban Cow 116 days to CIM

2 mile treadmill workout (10:30/mi)
The pain is tolerable and maybe it's the closest to non-existent that it's been in 10+ days.   My attitude has improved a little and I feel better now that I pounded out a couple of miles.  Still feeling a bit disappointed that I'm not back up to 4 or 5 miles a day.  I know I need to be patient but patience is not my strongest quality.

55/117 daze

Ice, stretch, massage.  2 mile walk.  Pity party in full swing hosted by fear and doubt.  Need a kick in the butt to get out the door.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

56 days to Urban Cow 118 days to CIM

Played hooky today and decided not to work out at all.  Was not feeling confident or motivated enough for my planned 5 mile run.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

57 days/ 119 days

After two rest days the pain has calmed down.  Today was yoga for a strength/cross train day.  Feeling confident that I will be able to get a few miles in tomorrow.


Took another rest day.  A lot of ice, stretch, massage and ipuporen.  Foot feels much better! 

Thursday, August 5, 2010

59 days to Urban Cow, 121 days to CIM

Planned 3 mile run for this morning but foot is so sore I can barely walk.  Taking a rest day or maybe two.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

61 days to Urban Cow, 123 days to CIM

Workout: 3 miles (10:20/mi)

Typical Tuesday run.  It was sucky. 

The garbage cans are at the curb in my 'hood this morning making for unpleasant breathing conditions.  There is really nothing worse than garbage cans in the summer on your morning run.  The stench is atrocious.

Also along for the run with me this morning were my old companions pain and suffering.  The top of my foot and the arch screamed with them the whole run.  They always seem to know how to ruin a good time!

I will be be spending the rest of my day with my very good friends ice and ibuprofen!

Sunday, August 1, 2010

63 days to Urban Cow, 125 days to CIM

Workout:  4 miles (10:18/mi)

Today was my "long run" day.  I'm cracking up even typing this.  A long run is 10, 12, 18 miles or something like that.  Not 4!

Memorable moments from this morning include:
#1 A Honda Civic with an elderly couple motoring by me presumably on their way to church.  After they passed me I got the strongest whiff of old lady perfume.  The begs the question of what is she covering up?  Alcohol? Cigarettes?  Or does she just think she smells good?

#2 A teenage boy of a motorized scooter.  Not like a Vespa scooter but like a scooter you should use by kick-pedalling.  I presume he was on his way to church as well being as he was clothed in a dress shirt and slacks.  The bike helmet really topped it off.

#3  Just after mile 3 I ran into K walking her newly adopted dog, Buster.  I stop to say hi and she says "I didn't even recognize you".  Oh crap I'm even fatter than I thought!

Highlights from today's random playlist:
4 Minutes (Madonna ft. Justin Timberlake & Timbaland)
Not Afraid (Eminem)
Gives You Hell (The All-American Rejects)
She's Crafty (The Beastie Boys)

Saturday, July 31, 2010

64 days to Urban Cow, 126 days to CIM

Workout: Cardio Pilates (also known as 42 minutes in hell)

I haven't been very good about this component of training in the past.  I'm committing myself to it this time around for a couple reasons.  The first is that I've lost quite a bit of muscle and gained 9 fat pounds since surgery in June and secondly because I really want to hit my goal time.

I'm not sure who devised the idea of cardio pilates but I'm sure it was a masochist of some kind.  If you ever want to find out how excruciatingly weak you are pop this little gem into your DVD player!  To paraphrase my great friend Bill,  I'd rather run 10 miles than do 10 minutes of ab work!

Friday, July 30, 2010

65 days to Urban Cow, 127 days to CIM

Workout: 3 miles on treadmill (10:40/mi)

Much better day today.  Now I'm glad I took the rest day.  Decided to tie my shoe differently.  I think it helped a lot.  I'm working on my posture and learning to relax on the run again.  I need to get past the numbers on my watch.  They fuck with my head.  Sorry kiddies if I offend but they really do.  I have a 2:07 goal time in my head for October and I really want it but there's a little naggy voice in my head telling me to back off a bit.  I think it's just a little apprehension.  I've thrown times out in front of me before and I haven't reached them.  The disappointment is sometimes crushing.

Highlights from this mornings playlist include:
  • Wind It Up by Gwen Steffani
  • Don't Stop Believin' the Glee Cast version
  • 'Till I Collapse by Eminem (I love Em.  SHHH... Don't tell anyone!)
  • United State of Pop 2009 (Blame it on the pop) DJ Earworm

Thursday, July 29, 2010

66 days to Urban Cow, 128 day to CIM

Decided to take a rest day today.  After 8 weeks of no running my body has decided to revolt. My foot puffed up yesterday which required ample amounts of ibuprofen and ice.  This morning when I tried to get out of bed for a quick run before work my quads stopped me in my tracks.  Tonight I'll take a walk, stretch and ice my foot some more.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

67 days to Urban Cow, 129 days to CIM

2.06 mile run (10:21/mi)
First official day of training since early June.  Foot hurts like hell.  Fingers crossed tomorrow will be better.

Let's get this party started!

It’s a helluva start, being able to recognize what makes you happy. 
Lucille Ball

Running makes me happy.  Really happy.  And I've missed it in the two months I have been unable to do it.  Yesterday my podiatrist gave me his blessing and set me free.  He told me to go for it.  Be sensible in my training but go for it. 

Today marks the beginning of my new running journey.  I hope you'll come along for the ride.  I really can use the support.  Join me for the ups and downs, good times and bad, triumphs and losses, comedy and tragedy!

Let's get it started!