Tuesday, October 26, 2010


Dr. N looked at my foot for less than 30 seconds and was able to tell that the tumor is back.  Surgery is scheduled for November 17.  Again a 2 month recovery period.  Feeling pretty bummed but glad I didn't pay the $100.00 for CIM.  I guess it really was a blessing in disguise that it filled before I registered.


  1. everything happens for a reason, Kelly... Good luck w/your surgery!.

  2. K-
    This got me through many days...
    "Recovery is a process, a way of life, an attitude, and a way of approaching the day’s challenges. It is not a perfectly linear process. At times our course is erratic and we falter, slide back, regroup and start again. . ."

  3. Thanks Chrissy!

    Thank you. You are right it's just another rebirth. I came back faster and stronger than ever after CIM 2008. This is just another chance to do the same.

  4. You will get through this. I'm sorry it felt like such a huge stop sign. But it's just a speed bump. You'll be back.


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