Workout: 5 mile recovery run. Oops ran about 5.5 (10:45/mi). Still having trouble pacing. Today I wanted to stay around 11:00 and take it easy. I fought myself the whole way. I'm not sure what my problem is.
I swallowed my fear of running alone in the dark and went out before the sun this morning. May have been part of the reason I had trouble pacing. I had this anxious weight in my chest and I really had to fight to keep calm. Luckily I didn't come across anything or anyone out of the ordinary.
I'm starting to recognize a few
butts faces in the park now. There is a pair of women that actually crack me up. They are walkers which is totally cool except for the fact that they don't have any trail etiquette and refuse to shift to one side to be passed. One of them always has a venti sized iced Starbucks beverage with her and both ladies are also very spiffy. Mind you I dress in the dark and the only spiffin' up I do is brushing my teeth. Some mornings I wish I had that Starbucks drink though. I would mainline caffeine all day long if I could find a way to do it.
This morning as I trotted by the aforementioned ladies a masters runner whizzed by on the other side of them. That's a really fast old guy for those of you who are wondering. He seriously whooshed on by like I was standing still. Man do I envy people who can run like that. He made it seem so effortless.
Up tomorrow? Speed work. Yeah, right! Well maybe.
Don't do the fraps or whatever sugar laden stuff.. stick w/coffee... otherwise all those miles u ran was for nothin... when u run alone do u carry your cell? hope u do w/ a whistle attached...