Thursday, December 9, 2010


Ever wonder what happens when you go from running 100+ miles a month to zero miles a month?  Let me tell you.  You get F A T!  I am at an all time, non-pregnancy high and I am major sads about it.  Could I fix it?  You bet.  As it it I eat between 1500-1700 calories a day.  A handy dandy website that calculates daily caloric intake to lose pounds says I need to cut that to 1200 a calories a day while not vigorously exercising.  Yeah I tried that and it ummm sucks! A lot. 

I need to find something to do that will burn calories and let this foot rest.  So far I've come up with weight lifting and resistance training.  Both of these sound, BORING!  Really just thinking about them make me yawn.  I can tell you that as of yet I have not bounded out of bed to head out to the ice cold garage and lift weights.  And, resistance training conjures up memories of hours upon hours of rehab that my knee required just two short years ago. 

Just putting this in a whiny post is making ashamed of myself for being so pouty.  Maybe tomorrow I'll actually do something instead of complain.  Maybe.

Peace out!


  1. kelly, have u tried the ellipticals? I toned my legs, stomach, butt... its low impact... as far as weight- eliminate the cookies.. my diet which i picked up from my ex bf was basically fish, chicken, some red meat, veggies, brown rice, quinoa...i don't know why but i prefer that diet... my sweet tooth has diminished, cheese was a fave but now, i lost the taste for it...
    btw, the ellipticals improved my core- i've got abs,girl!. they're subtle, lol

  2. Hey Chrissy~ I've used ellipticals in the past. They are on the no activities list right now as well as bikes. I have to do activities that do not involve using the tendon in the top of my foot which is pretty much anything and everything for the time being. My diet is pretty good and as much as I love to bake the cookies I don't really love to eat them. Mostly I just bake for everyone else. Congrats on the abs! Mine are there too you just have to look REALLY hard to find them! LOL!


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