Saturday, November 6, 2010

MRI Results

Thursday night I went in for an MRI.  I had never undergone one.  The process was really interesting.  Son #1 went with me and kept me abreast of what was taking place around me.  Out of the whole experience I am still surprised at the amount of noise the machine produces.  I hadn't expected that.

Dr. N called yesterday afternoon.  The MRI results are inconclusive.  The Radiologist believes the tumor is the same as the first one.  Ganglion in nature.  Which means in all likelihood it will once again be a benign bump.  That's the good news.  The not so good news is the mass is growing on top of the tendon rather than along side of it as Dr. N hoped.  Also, the Radiologist was unable to determine how much of the tendon is involved and how much Dr. N will need to remove this time.  So it will be a wait and see game.  Here's to hoping it's not any worse than last time!

Surgery is scheduled for the 17th.  I can use all the luck, prayers, and well wishes anyone cares to send my way!

Today I started resistance exercises and am trying a few different things to see what I'll be able to do after surgery that will not involve the tendon while it heals.  Obviously squats are out.  I tried a couple different leg raises today.  I think I'll be able to do most of those and of course core/upper body work.  I am contemplating swimming once Dr. N clears me to do so, hopefully in early December.  A local swim center offers lap swimming both early in the morning and later in the evening.  The pool is heated but I'm not sure I'm tough enough to to bear the frigid air once exiting the water. I'm going to have to think about this one for awhile!

Peace out and happy Saturday!

1 comment:

  1. Kelly, swimming I would think would be good exercise for your knee- low impact... I had one MRI and it wasn't as bad as what most people say.. My middle one had a few MRI's.. she has a slight hearing loss and they wanted to see if there were any tumors in her ear...Anyway, good luck.. BTW, my daughter didn't make it to the marathon and she had paid her entry fee... She was too busy w/work to get in her workouts..


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