Thursday, September 30, 2010


4 miles (10:30/mi) with Kim.  I ran harder than I planned this morning but I'm feeling good.

I've had a couple of questions asked over the last day so I'll answer them here:
Kim asked:  "Does your foot hurt?". 
Yes, my foot hurts every single minute of every single day.  I hope that someday it won't but for now it does.  It serves as a reminder that no matter how much I exercise or eat clean illness can still strike.  I thank my lucky stars everyday that it wasn't the "The Big C"!

KBF asked: "How are you dealing with the heat?". 
For the record it has been crazy hot here in my part of the world!  100 degrees F yesterday afternoon.  KBF I'm dealing with it by going out at 5:45 AM when it's only 70 degrees!  Race day forecast is back down in the 80's, should be a perfect running morning!

On another note, Heather said I can run with her during the race on Sunday morning.  Yay!  I was afraid she'd want to go solo!  We are shooting for 11:00/mile average which will have us finishing under 2 hours 30 minutes.  Heck I don't care if we take all day, I just want to finish!

Up tomorrow?  I haven't decided yet.  Either an easy 3 miles or rest day.


  1. For me 70 is hot even to power walk..omg... Have u ever run at night? My brother use to run at night till his asthma would kick up... damp air is a killer...

  2. 70 is scorching but it is tolerable before the sun comes up :o)
    When the boys were little I ran at night after I put them to bed. Now my life is just to hectic with high schoolers so I have to run in the morning. We have spare the air days here because our air is so stagnant. Humidity is less of an issue.


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