Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Random little bits

Today's goal:  Easy run, 3 miles @10:46
Workout: 3 miles @9:37
Much better run today.  The air was still and crisp with the faint smell of freshly mowed  lawn.  No mini river or annoying little dogs.  Still trying to run without paying much attention to the 'ol Garmin.  Feeling really strong today.  Think I need new shoes though, feeling a little shin splinty.  Opted to wade in pool instead of ice bath.  70 degree water was much nicer than 50!

Lately I've had more good runs than bad ones.  I've got a new summer routine and I like it.  Over the last few weeks my friends and I have been able to fit in a mid-week speedwork session.  As much as I dread running around that oval track I can't wait to meet up with my crew.  Okay let's get real, what I really look forward to is sitting enjoying a well deserved latte after the workout and visiting!  But nonetheless it's great to see my buddies twice a week and my increasing strength is an added bonus.

Did you notice the new blog title?  Last Saturday while trying to power through the last couple miles of my first 14+ mile run in I don't know how long (umm I'm thinking like forever but probably like the fall of '08) I had the thought that I should stop using Bart's title and come up with my own.  I find on long runs I often tell myself "just get through one more mile".  So I thought, violá I have a new title!   I did a little Internet research and found that there is a book with the title Just One More Mile. Surprisingly enough it is not about running in the sense of the sport but about running towards a better life.  It looks interesting, I may have to read it.  So after a  little deliberation (and trying to come up with something else til my brain hurt) I decided to use the title because everyday I'm truly trying to get through just one more mile.

You may have noticed that I also changed the look too.  I like the clean simple lines.  What do you think??

I've got two new events on my calendar.  A 10K on June 25 and a half on July 16.  I've also pretty much committed to a full marathon in September.  I guess all that I have left to do is sign up to be fully committed.  Oh and do a whole lotta training!

So there you have it, some random little bits!

1 comment:

  1. You are the second blogger to switch up titles.. I like this.. May be its a sign for you? Meaning better runs, weather, etc...


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