Last night was my first Speedies Wednesday evening workout. Yeah it pretty much sucked (except for the company of DG). I have not run at night in a looooong time, perhaps since the disastrous Moo-Nlight ½ marathon that was not actually a ½ marathon. Anyhoo, the thought of trying to cram speed work into the wee hours of the morning is obnoxious plus I miss my running buddies so I planned an evening track workout.
DG and I met at 6:00 p.m. at the local high school track. There were a couple other runners on the track and the Varsity football team was doing there thang out on the field. DG ran 800’s and I wimped and ran 200’s. Well wimped might be a little harsh since I do have a marathon this Sunday. It was hot, 85° (Fahrenheit for my Australian and Canadian friends) and I had a day’s worth of meals in my belly. Two factors I am unaccustomed to. While it was not the worst workout ever it surely was not the best. We powered through 3 miles and decided that was enough punishment for one day.
We gathered our belongings from the sideline and then the fun began. We found that the wonderful football coaching staff had locked us IN the stadium. Really? How about a little shout out dudes? You know something like “we’re locking up for the night kids so you might want pack it in”. To add insult to injury to us non-football playing types they watched us as we looked for an open gate. Of the four men standing shooting the breeze outside the locked gate not one of them offered to unlock the gate and let us out. Classy fellas, thanks so much! Luckily DG and I found an open gate at the far end of the stadium and were not forced to scale the chain link fence in front of the football team, their parents and coaching staff like the other group of runners had elected to do. My lack of height and gracefulness tells me that climbing over fences in front of semi-large groups is not a good idea. Trust me I know from experience my capabilities would not have allowed such actions to go unnoticed!
Today I am feeling healthy and relaxed (yes #1 girlfriend does have strep throat). I plan to run an easy 3 miles tomorrow morning just to stretch out a bit. I've begun making my lists of what I need to pack and searching for places to eat. Everything is feeling just right, I can’t wait for the weekend to begin!
A BIG thanks to Mr. Albiani and Mr. Rooney for leaving the teeny FFA gate open for us! Although they'll never see this post, they are awesome. Oh, and one more thing: The football coach guy acted like he didn't understand English when I said, "Dang, you locked us out and we had to walk all the way around." He muttered a "huh?" or something. I told Kel, "Jeez, and I've been rooting for that guy!" Anywaaaaay, it was a fantasticly tough workout. I enjoyed almost recycling my Plaza del Sol chile colorado that I consumed at 4pm. We ran hard and that's all that matters. :) ----Gavia