Today’s goal: Long run, 10 miles
Workout: 10 miles. Rolling hills both paved and unpaved. Time 1:52:55. 11:17/mile.
I need to admit that my workout, sleep and eating habits have all been suffering for the better part of two weeks. I went through a sweets binge for about the last 10 days. This morning I paid for it. I just couldn’t get to a pace that felt good and comfortable for the first 4 or so miles. (Actually looking at data from the Garmin I didn’t really ever seem to settle in today.) Then something changed and I began feeling better. I don’t know what it was and I don’t really care. All that really matters is that I quit hating every stride and started enjoying the morning. I forgot to pause the Garmin when we took a small photo/refuel break. Apparently we stood around for 5 or more minutes. That actually surprised me, it didn’t feel like we had stopped for more than a minute or two. But anyway since today I was more concerned with putting in longer miles than I was with time I decided to take photos. It’s too bad the camera on my phone is so crappy because the photos don’t really do the beauty of the area justice.
The plan was to meet BC, Rocket and DG at our regular parking spot and head out around 6:00 AM. Now if this spot was around the corner and not a 25 mile drive 6:00 AM wouldn’t be so big a deal. But like I said my sleep habits have been out of whack and I didn’t crash out until well after 11:30 PM and when the alarm went off at 4:30 I felt like I hadn’t slept at all. But I digress. We all arrived, grabbed whatever gear we were taking and hit the trail about 6:15. The sun was just beginning to come up, the air was cool and fresh. All was peaceful and quiet. It was just the 3 (plus the dog) of us getting caught up on the past week and the plan for next week. We all 3 work in education and are officially on spring break! This means we may get in an extra run or two together next week! The hills were tougher this week for me but I’m sure that had to do with only one run this past week. No excuses, just didn’t feel like getting out of bed in the morning. We ran out 5 and looped our way back. DG was a beast and took ALL of the hard hills while BC and I decided to skip a couple and stay up on the levee. I am going to Santa Cruz with my family tomorrow and I want to be able to walk! Around mile 7 or 8 Tigger caught up with the group and we finished up those last few miles strong. I was happy with a sub-10 for mile 8 and ran the last ½ mile between 8:45 and 9:00. Not bad after 2 foot surgeries in 10 months!
After some parking lot stretching we headed off to Starbucks for a cup of java and some people watching. These coffeehouse sessions really make getting out of bed in the dark worth it!
Here’s my morning run in pictures. Like I said the camera doesn’t do the scenery justice but you’ll get the general idea.
Happy running. Peace out.
The razor wire is a nice touch!
Look closely to see how swift the water is moving
Yes this is me looking like 43-yr-old hammered dog doo!
This doesn't look like much a hill but it kicked my @$$ this morning.
See that tiny boat out there? That's fishermen, they're as crazy as runners!

The AR 50 was last weekend. DG said he's thinking about doing it for his 50th birthday. Yeah, I'll get back to you on that DG!
Off the distance you can see the infamous Folsom Prison. Can you say Johnny Cash was here??